Monday, April 10, 2006

Retiring Early - Not always a choice

I knew someone who turned 55 and decided to retire. The only problem was that he had no money to retire on. This seems to happen a lot and while young people are given advice to save money, if you are older, there may have been circumstances in the past which contributed to not saving enough or even at all. If that is the case, now you are like this person I knew who had no money and all the intentions in the world of retiring.

Just because you may be older does not mean that it is too late to save. Do whatever you can to help increase your earnings before it is too late. Maybe a part time job is necessary to help you having something to contribute to your savings but save something. Otherwise, you can plan on never retiring or retiring broke.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Financing for the poor - or how to find money

It's interesting how some people think when it comes to money. I've spoken to people who were extremely money savvy and others who had extreme hangups when it came to their money. There are people out in the world who are afraid of banks and still do all their business with cash whenever possible. Of course, they are the ones who tend to get taken advantage of, but the thing is, it is their choice and not for me to judge how they choose to do their financing.

However, even though it is not for me to judge, I hope to use this site to help others come to grips with money and how it works. Having a bank account is a good thing and credit can really help. Not understanding how it all works is like being an Ostrich with its head stuck in the stand, true denial, but it serves no useful purpose.

I invite others to come and share information on this blog especially if you are aware of ways to make money or have ideas to help money go further.